Sunday 16 February 2020

Karaoke (reprise)

Added a few more songs to my repertoire for the care home karaoke.

Last week kicked off with "My Way", then "Top of the World" and then forced Dear Son, by handing him the spare mic, to join me sweetly in the Neil Sedaka song "Close to You".

Las Vegas dates will be announced soon.

Our audience loved it. I think. Clapped along, bobbed heads, smiled when it was done.
That "My Way"...of course well known in Japan. In fact, at karaoke parties it is often the only English song many Japanese men will try. It also has a Japanese version.
But the lyrics. As I warbled my way  thru it to a room of elderly, I realized the lyrics are all about imminent dieing! "the end is near....the final curtain".

Anyway. Okaasan isn't near dieing. At all.
We've visited her twice in the past week. She is sleepy and pretty silent. But fine.
Yesterday, as we sat in the empty cafe area of the care home and hared a can of coffee she really didn't say anything, but looked from him to me and smiled, pulled faces, laughed.
Once she commented on the blue sky out the window, and twice  she appeared about to say something else - but it was gone in a moment. We prattled on about winter and snow, and can coffee companies and karaoke....

Corona Virus has arrived in Japan this week. Many more cases now, and worryingly among people who have had no apparent China contact.
We are washing our hands and hoping to stay healthy.
Of course, if either of us thinks we are at all at risk we won't go to see Okaasan, at all. For us (we hope) it would just be a week of bad sickness and then recovery. For her and everyone in that care home it could easily be fatal. are some pictures of the winter festivals in my part of Japan.
Dear Son and I have enjoyed a rare winter of together time (he is still off ski work), so we've taken in ice and snow statues.

It's been fun to do this kind of stuff. 
I've also done a lot of teaching, a little bit of tour guiding and even the main voice of an upcoming NHK television documentary. If you see a programme about the head chef of the G8 Summit hotel in Mie. Her my voice!
It was a fun job to do, specially because there were many scenes of gorgeous food being tested and prepped. It was my 2nd main voice job for NHK. Hope to get more.

Anyway. Dear Son and I are off today on a road trip adventure. Camping car and skiing. Hopefully.
But a blizzard is coming, so we don't know how far we will go. Maybe even just our own parking area tonight, if it is very bad!
Maybe time to practice a few more songs for our next performance.


  1. Hope you are having a fun road adventure. I'm not a cold weather person, but like to look at the snow from inside! Have enjoyed your karaoke blogs. I've only sang once with my son and his friend! Of course it was "My Old Kentucky Home!" Not being a good singer, I let the guys do most!

  2. Congrats on the NHK documentary, I shall keep my eyes peeled for it!
    Yes, please do keep healthy and I hope the coronavirus stays away...we are due to travel to Japan end of April but with coronavirus we are not sure if we should cancel or not. Just waiting to see at the moment... take care, xxx
