Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Starting 2025...with a wheeze...

 NOT a happy and healthy New Year for us.

And many other people, it seems.

The actual winter holiday was good - eating and drinking, some skiing and a lot of TV.

Did a bit of housework, made a small start on sorting out old papers and photos.

Back to work January 6. All ready to go! Dear Son had spent 2 days fighting off a head cold the weekend before. I did my Jan. 6 online class and felt a little "something" in my throat.

Next day: out of it all.

Head Cold....tired, blocked nose....tired again...bed, sleep, water, more sleep.

Cancelled two days of classes. 

Third day energy levels back up, I got out of my pajamas. And voice!

That went on for the next 4 days. MORE cancelled work. A whole week lost. That's the very big downside of self employed, you lose financially a lot when you are sick.

And in the middle of this Okaasan's hospital call to say SHE has influenza. That it's all over the wards. We were more worried about her than us...

But, amazingly two days later her fever had gone and she is ok again. So strong! We still can't visit, of course. But she has pulled thru that.

So. I am back to work since yesterday. The voice isn't strong, but serviceable. I did a TV documentary dubbing job (had to postpone it twice last week), so if you ever see a program about a Japanese man trying new technology to combat loss of voice after throat cancer...and you think "Hmm, his wife's voice doesn't sound so healthy..." you are right. His "wife's voice" had just crept into the studio after 4 days of frantically mime-life and eating a lot of ginger!

Onwards into a healthier year :-)

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Another year...

 Well - HELLO there!

I do occasionally pass the computer and remember I have a blog.

Greetings from the bedside.
Okaasan asleep. As usual.
Dear Son and That British Woman sitting bedside, chatting about the shopping they are going to do soon, the plot of last night's Netflix movie, what to eat for New Year...
The hospital reopened last month after COVID had made its rounds, and we are back to weekly visits. Masks and playing music-she-might-like on the smartphone.

No changes with Okaasan's condition. She sleeps. Shakes her head. Moves her eyelids. Clutches the pillow/towel.
Years past there are so many Okaasan memories: as she tried to have a semblance of O-Shogatsu with the foreign daughter in law. The time when we tried to cook together, the (several) times when I bought stuff and then she bought the same stuff...the time when I served her and son rice cake soup BEFORE the traditional eating day of January 1.

This year it's a quiet hospital room. The TV is playing inane chat shows from another bedside, the staff drift in and out with charts and trays.

2025 is heading over the snowy hills.

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.

He and I are home for the holidays. Maybe skiing. Eating. TV and computer. I should actually tidy the house, prepare my accounts for February.
He'll be making himself some instant soba noodles, I'll be eating some guacamole and crackers. 


Friday, 15 November 2024

Doors closing...again... winter arrives in north Japan....

Covid is back, in yet another form. A few people I know have had it recently, mainly just a few days of bad flu-like symptoms for a healthy adult. It's interesting though, a couple of people have mentioned that the no sense of smell/taste element of this virus does seem to be a constant.

Anyway - Okaasan's care home. The 4th floor got it last week....and this week...the whole home is closing its doors to family visits again. Not surprising.

We've been going once a week recently. Sitting bedside for 25 mins, chatting a bit and playing popular ballads on the mobile phone. Okaasan sometimes moving her head and apparently opening her eyes in an involuntary action - while snoring.

Such visits.

I read in UK news that the new government is going to have another look at introducing assisted dying laws for people who have under 6 month to live, with the independent approval of two doctors etc

Oh, I hope it becomes law by the time it's my time to check out. I really do. Dying in a hospital bed, unresponsive, kept alive by solutions delivered in a tube is not how I want to end all of this.

There was the story recently of a rock musician's wife who had to travel alone to the clinic in Switzerland to die, because even if her husband went with her to the nearest town it could make him liable for prosecution. That's awful.

I fear no sensible assisted dying law will come in Japan, anytime soon. Even as recently as 20 years ago, cancer patients weren't told by their doctors that they actually HAD cancer (so they didn't give up hope and feel bad!). Japan is way behind on progressive thinking about social issues.

Anyway - sleep on Okaasan. Hope to see you in spring!

Wednesday, 23 October 2024


 VERY sorry.

Nothing from me since August.

Well, nothing to report. 

The care home stayed open to visitors for a long time, we go once a week and sit for 15-25 mins. Okaasan is heavily drugged and sleeping. Sometimes moves her head and lips, breaths deeply.

We go and sit by the bedside, play music on the mobile phone. We chat to eachother about shopping, cat, camping car, TV shows...hoping that Okaasan is enjoying the music and our voices. We stroke her hair and hands, gently.

No response.

She is VERY drugged up. A nurse rather shocked us by coming up the bed and using her fingers to try and force Okaasan's eyes open: "Kazuko-san! Your son is here! Look!"....and even with that action Okaasan's eye didn't actually open at all.

Of course,  we were protesting a bit and saying: "oh no - it's ok! Just let her sleep!!". Really it is ok. At this point in her life we just want her to be relaxed and "happy" in that drugged state.

Two friends talked to me recently about their mothers - women in their 90s who live in their own homes, who go to day service and can enjoy car trips with the family and lunches out. I reminded them that those woman are SO lucky to have that life - despite walking problems or a bit forgetful.

None of us know what the future holds. Okaasan was still having that kind of ordinary life until her mid-80s...

And now...😒

Our life update? Well, we travelled to mainland Japan in our RV. We visited an RV building company and have ordered our retirement home on wheels! It will have a toilet and much better balance for driving than our current van. It will be ready in 2026 - by which time we can see Okaasan's state of life, the cat's state of life and my work situation.

Apart from that, we are slipping thru autumn here. I finally bought a 2nd hand inflatable SUP (after a summer of procrastination) and I've been trying to get out and enjoy the water again - and trying to stand up on the thing. Last week I did it! Stood up 5 times - old dog learning new tricks here!