Friday, 3 May 2013

Day service...minus Dance

How to get Okaasan to dayservice without the promise of exciting dance classes?
Yesterday was the first time.
I chickened out and got HIM to do it.
He's Japanese afterall, his language skills are way better than mine.
And I'm still sick. Sort of.
And depressed by cold, grey, wet public holidays.

So he marched in to her room and cheerfully told her to get ready for "day service, no - no dance today, but other fun things of course, so you should go and see and if you don't enjoy it, then we can talk again, but you should go and see shouldn't you, yes, it is spring, but you should there is no dance, but it's fun and you should go and see, yes, it's the same place as before, no you DON'T need a dance skirt, but you will have a bath, and if you don't like it......"

So glad he did all of that!
I listened from the kitchen and tried to remember some of the key phrases, so that when it is MY turn to persuade her...I have a chance of getting her out the door.
But she went off to day service with smiles, and came home with smiles. A bit tired. But apparently happy.

Twice next week. One day with no dance and one day with dance.

The weather is absolutely crap here. Actually snowing in some parts of where I live today.
Cold. Grey. Crap.
We should be getting spring leaves and the first hint of cherry blossoms, and blue skies and getting out in the garden.
I've had a bout of depression - kind of runs in my family - hardly surprising really. I've seen a lot of films, eaten a lot and taken each hour at a time.
A grim public holiday at home with his mother (he has somehow started work as a bike taxi guy)....I need all the escape-into-films and food I can get.


  1. Hope you feel better soon. You must be so proud of him for taking the initiative and getting her to go to daycare. He does help when he is home.

    Still you are a saint for your kindness to her. Happy Golden Week.

  2. You are amazing and you should be proud of yourself for helping to look after your MIL, not many people are able to do this in my country. So, it is understandable that you may be feeling depressed with your situation at the moment, plus with the dreadful weather and also the fact that you are doing this all in a second language!! Hopefully the weather will get better soon, and perhaps you can go out for some long walks, i know that helps me feel better when im feeling low.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Funnily enough...I read your (2) comments - just as I am getting ready to go for a is NOT raining, the temperature is a balmy 8 degrees and if I wrap up warm enough...maybe I can walk in the park and near the lake....
