Sunday, 18 March 2018

Waiting for spring

We did a joint visit yesterday - kind of rare for us in winter.

Okaasan was asleep when we arrived. Sitting in her wheelchair, in front of the TV...dozing after a busy morning of physical therapy and then lunch.

She seemed happy enough, we chatted, wheeled the chair outside and around the corner to the lobby of a hotel...and then encouraged her to walk in the care home corridor with the walker.
She is fast walking now. But her whole body weight is forward, on the walking frame. She isn't standing upright at all.

But, the time - and season - is coming when we will be able to take her OUT of the care home for a visit to a different environment. A hotel lobby or convenience store for coffee, and maybe even a restaurant for a meal? If the toilets are accessible etc. If SHE doesn't panic in an unfamiliar place.

We will try. Days are getting brighter and warmer. Had a snow storm 2 days ago, which was a wonder for skiers - I'd given up my skiing for this season, but even I got out for just-one-more-day.

I also had to do another shopping trip for Okaasan. Bath towels and long-sleeved shirts. Hopefully what I bought will be ok. Dear Son passed along the care home request for clothing  to me - because OBVIOUSLY I am a WOMAN and can do shopping.....Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Don't get me started on the sexist assumptions in this....he is a Japanese male and lives in the stone age.

Anyway. Waiting for spring and a time to take Okaasan out in sunshine.


  1. Good to hear the weather is improving and Okaasan is doing ok. Maybe she can look forward to Blossom Viewing when the weather is nice and she is able to cope with excursions.
    Good luck with the shopping.

  2. Hope all is going great. Hope weather has warmed and MIL can maybe(?) get outside. Miss your blog.
