Monday, 27 August 2018

Don't count your Okaasans before...

...they fall.

Probably JUST as I was writing the last post about "nothing" on Friday afternoon, before leaving work....
Okaasan was taking herself to the toilet in her wheelchair...and somehow fell.
Dear Son got the phone call from the care staff to report they'd found her on the toilet floor.
She was ok. Didn't know what had happened. No apparent injury.
Of course we went the next day - she was the falls of kids and drunks...where you land and don't, amazingly, injure anything.
We took her for a wheelchair push around the neighborhood and ended up having to use the public toilets in a nearby hotel. The doors were a little narrow for a wheelchair (disabled access regulations???) and there were no grab rails, so I had to get Okaasan grabbing onto ME, while Dear Son hovered at the door way to the Ladies apologetically. With his shoulder injury he can't do much anyway.
So, I'm in the toilet stall - straddling the bowl - and Okaasan has her arms wrapped around my waist while I reach over/behind and under her to pull down her pants...and pull out the diaper pad....personal boundaries well and truly DOWN in this relationship now!
To think I used to be shy about going into the bathroom while she took a bath. Now I am fishing around between her legs for the soiled diaper...

Anyways....she is fine.
Onwards into more nothing...

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today as we wake up to news of the Hokkaido earthquakes here in the uk. Hope you are all ok! stay safe.
