Thursday 13 August 2020

Post-party blaahs?

 Okaasan not  so lively this week.

Exhausted after the excitement of party last week? Suffering from the heat, although living in an air-con bubble?

Not sure. But, she was quiet and slumped to one side during our visit this week. Her eyes seemed somehow filmy...not quite focusing on us sometimes. Sleepy?

She did smile a bit and wave when we left.  But she wasn't so great.

We could only stay 15 mins. It's the main family-visiting/dead relative honoring festival in Japan now and the care home is being careful. Shortened visit times, and requests at the care home doors to NOT visit if you had come from OR recently visited: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka etc

Hmm. I have read a bit about people's eyes before death, that they somehow go glazed or filmy, or watery.....maybe I am over-reacting. But I told Dear Son we should try and go and see her again this week. Didn't tell him directly why.

It's a quiet and very hot holiday week. I have some classes - online and in person - because some students said "well, I am not going away or having family to visit, so it's just an ordinary week!!". Kind of my feeling too.

I am meeting a few friends, for coffee in a park, or tea in a garden. And we have visited a local restaurant with a huge dining out discount. I've started watching Game of Thrones...eight whole seasons of that monster drama to keep me busy. i'm reading a book. I write summer greeting cards to old students.

Quiet time.

Our virus numbers are hovering around 10 new cases a day. In Tokyo it's 200-250 new cases a day. Tokyo people, poor sods, are having to stay near the city in then sweltering heat. Next year - maybe- the Tokyo Olympics will finish around now....

Next year. When will we all climb on planes again?

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