Tuesday 31 August 2021

Plans cancelled

 This should have been a positive, happy post.

But, as anyone with elderly loved ones knows, things can change suddenly.

Last week the hospital said Okaasan was ready to transfer back to the hospital section of her care home, with her feeding port fitted etc. Ready for the social services to start the hunt for a facility that can look after her with feeding port. We felt positive that the next stage was about to start.

Special taxi service was booked, care home staff ready to receive her. Our Wednesday morning (tomorrow) planned.

But, then came the call yesterday: there were problems/an infection? with the feeding port and they'd had to stop it. So she is back on tube feeding ...thru the arm? And we are going in tomorrow to talk to the doctor...

Sigh. Not good. As much as I gather from Dr Google and friends, the feeding port allows more nutritious feeding, with less chance of infection. Thru arm feeding is less...meaning she will weaken?

I guess this means she won't be transferring anywhere, and staying put in this hospital.

In a strange, sad way it IS a second chance to maybe make a decision that fits more with what Okaasan herself would want? To be allowed to gently fade away, and die? Not to have tubes and contraptions fitted into her body and kept alive? I personally think so...and although I gently mentioned this idea to Dear Son...it has to be his decision.

He isn't very pro-active on this topic....I feel he lets the doctor call the shots. But, it's his mum and his decision. I'm just the "wife" sitting alongside with my handbag, looking concerned. So...we'll see what the doctor says tomorrow, and if there is any chance to let nature take its course.


  1. Sounds like some difficult decisions may be ahead. Sending you all warm wishes and energy.

    1. Thankyou. It IS hard, and makes me realize how important it is to tell nearest and dearest about what you want at life end, so people can try to make decisions that you'd be close to what you would hope for.

  2. It’s a difficult decision but one that can be only make by the family and no one else. Whatever it is it should be supported. Well at least you have mine unreservedly.

    1. Thankyou! Medical care is like a chain of decisions, each one taking you deeper into a situation. There are no improvements...just some better links in the chain...and some not so good...anyway we were so happy that our visit this week was a happy day for Okaasan :-)
