Tuesday 9 April 2024

April visit

 Bad family - we actually SKIPPED a month!

If it isn't bad enough that we are still limited to 15 mins a month visit time. We go and forget to visit in March....

Not quite so awful in fact, because I think we visited end of February...and then we went yesterday - April 8. But, still.

March kind of got away from us - busy busy. Tax season, helping a friend pack up and move home - and then two extra jobs that came out of the blue and filled my schedule.

Oh. And we bought this.

Yup. An RV/camping car!!!
If you know me in real life, you probably know the plan - that after Okaasan passes, and we get the cat ready for new adventures - we are planning our retirement life all over Japan in an RV. It's been our plan for years now.
Well, recently we decided that the cat would probably need a long training time to get used to RV life, because now he only goes in a car to the terrifying vets. So he needs reprogramming that Car = Fun.

And. It might be fun for US to have an RV and do little trips.
So we looked for a used RV, saw a few and found this one in March. And bought it.

It won't come into our lives until the end of April (needed repairs from the previous owner's bumper damage etc) - but it IS coming.
Very exciting! This is probably not our eventual home, it's a small model. But an in-between RV for short trips and cat training.

And so. We didn't visit Okaasan.
But yesterday we did. Clutching the timer. We sat at her bedside.
She opened her eyes a few times. Appeared to make eye contact. The closed eyes again and drifted off into a dopamine-fueled semi-consciousness.
No strange sounds this time, no frantic head shaking. We stroked her hands, chatted about baseball and spring and the garden flowers.
Under the bedding and towels her little body is curled up, her hands are bunched into fists. The tubes go in and out.
Another patient in the room has the TV on, so there are familiar Japanese afternoon TV shows chat in the background. The nurses are bright and friendly.
That is Okaasan's reality. We dropped in.

And came home again.


  1. What a cute camper van! You'll have many fun adventures ahead. Do you think you'll eventually sell
    Your house and just "hit the open road?" You'll have to blog many of our adventures.
    Glad you got to visit MIL. I'm sorry it's just for a short time. I can't believe nursing homes are still being so strick.
    Take care.

    1. Hi there - thankyou for still reading!
      Yes, eventually we'll stop renting our old house and hit the road - but actually we will probably rent a very cheap, tiny place somewhere in Japan because camping car life you still need a legal base address - the vehicle has to be registered to somewhere with an official parking space (that the police come and check), and for tax and insurance etc

      Blogging??? oh...I don't know, I don't think the Internet needs yet another Van Life blogging person!! Maybe the cat would like to blog...

  2. I would very much like to read a blog about van life in Japan ๐Ÿ˜„

    1. Really? There are quite a few people blogging/vlogging about that. TBH - I think I'll just want to enjoy life, without worrying about filming and uploading things. The level of SNS things now is so high, everyone seems to have high level cameras and drones.

  3. Awesome camping car!
    I hope your cat will come to feel comfortable in that car.

    1. We hope so, too. He has to be introduced to the idea slowly. If we take his old blanket in there (with all the cat hairs and smell) I think he will feel relaxed. Probably can't resell this van to anyone with a pet allergy later!

  4. Hope you posted your adventures in the camper. Can't wait to see more of Japan.

  5. I have followed you for so many years. Thought about you & Okasaan this morning and wondered if she was still with us, and if you had started on your van life adventures yet. My father had dementia, and it’s such a long, slow, sad goodbye. Sending best wishes from the US.
