Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 . Bring it ON!

Happy New Year 2014!

NHK announces the new morning drama for housewives: Okaasan and Me.

Starring a young(ish) British girl who falls in love with a Japanese man.
And has to share her bed of roses with his mother.
Week by week she learns how to be a perfect Japanese daughter-in-law.
She cooks tofu, she measures miso, she folds up old newspapers into perfect piles...
And - miracles! - she slowly becomes Japanese.
Her creamy British complexion turns a ghastly white.
Her wide, laughing mouth becomes pouty.
Her merry eyes become sad and mysterious.
And she can do amazing things with a big ball of yarn.

And on the evening of January 1st she rips open some supermarket packages and does amazing things with some chicken stock, seaweed and rice cake.