Saturday 26 August 2017

Ahhh...who IS that sweet little girl?

All innocent and charming. With her daddy in a garden in London, UK a long, long time ago.
One day young girl you'll grow up and move to a country far away. Meet a man and end up washing his mother's underwear. What a delightful life you'll have! 

Today is the 8th anniversary of my dad's death. Well, actually it is the 8th anniversary of the day I heard he had died. We think he died 2 days before...he collapsed and died in his living room one evening, after returning from visiting his wife in hospital. He was cooking sausages. His dog was with him. The TV was on. His pancreas exploded. The doctor had come that morning to examine him...because of pains....but had gone away with a "nothing wrong, let me know if you feel worse".

I guess dead on the living room carpet is worse.

I miss my dad still. I'd seen him 2 weeks before he died, on one of my trips back to the Uk. Remember that year I went to the Uk...what? 4 times?? It was the horror year.

So. Today I will be doing Okaasan care. Dear Son is busy all day with bike taxies. And today Okaasan's hospital has some kind of summer festival event. I will go and watch her physical training and join her at the event.Daughter-in-law duties.

3 weeks from now I will go back to the Uk. We still don't know if/when Okaasan will come home. The idea originally was BEFORE I go to the Uk...but I wonder if that is possible.

Anyway. Dad. I miss you so much. I'll eat some delicious food in your memory today - a creme brulee. Or a cake.


  1. Thank you for sharing that memory. What a terrible way for your father to die. I want to give you a great big hug.

    1. Ahh...thankyou for the love :-) It was a terrible way to die. Everyone told me he died quickly...maybe...but maybe they are just being nice. We think he collapsed and hit his head on the stone fireplace....and of course he wasn't wearing the emergency call necklace that he had...that was on his bedside table...He lay there, with his dog. Poor dog! The postman delivered mail the next day and was 5 m away the otherside of a partially open door...and then on the 2nd day the post man realised the 1st day post was still there on the mat...and pushed open the door and found dad. Poor postman. They were great friends. I can't think of a nicer person to find dad. When I arrived from Japan 1 week later the postman was just back from personal rest leave and he and I hugged eachother. And continued to hug eachother for the next few weeks. One of those cases where a relationship underwent a huge change.

  2. Very cute picture! Cake is good any day, but especially today.

    1. I celebrated.....with a BRitish friend's present of a Christmas cake...and ice cream!
