Thursday 21 April 2022

Covid is IN the house :-(


Welcome've, thankfully, been a long time coming.

Dear Son tested positive yesterday. I'm hoping to get tested today. Okaasan now has no fever, or any other symptoms. But she is still in isolation. 

So. On Tuesday this week Dear Son had a lot of pains and cramping around his chest/shoulder/left arm. He has a long history of some kind of heart condition - maybe angina? (Of COURSE he never had a Western medicine diagnosis of know this family and doctors...). Hasn't stopped him with a full, active life.

Anyway this time the pain was repeated over several hours. So we went to the hospital for tests and checks...we were there hours and hours...sitting...waiting...tests...

Doctor finally said it might be a build up of plaque in the arteries due to high snacks and cheese and pizza and KFC....and to our slight shock recommended an overnight stay in hospital and then catheter test in the morning.

So we did all the hospital admissions paperwork, Covid test, list of stuff needed from home....sat there feeling a bit surprised. Waited a lot more.

THEN the nurse rushed over, grabbed his wheelchair and whisked us quickly out of the hospital and into a cubical in the Covid testing center in the parking area! His test had come back positive!! 

Now the hospital didn't want to admit him. Sent us home with meds to lower cholesterol, and nitro spray? in case he had a bad attack again. SIGH!

So it begins....a student who works at a drug store is going to deliver me some test kits later today (the hospital didn't want to test me because I had no symptoms, but I'd rather know, and so would two of my work places), and I've rearranged my work schedule....told people who should be told. We'll order in supermarket delivery. 

A time of gardening, Netflix and reading ahead. Spring weather. An enforced holiday. Hopefully HE doesn't feel bad again. A few plans all up in the air...

Where did he get it from? Kind of moot point, it's all over the place. He hardly meets anyone, so maybe I actually caught it and gave it to him? We've actually had a fairly quiet, not meeting anyone couple of days. Most people I met recently was a local guest house English Chat thing last Friday night. Masks, Screens...but coffee and cake. We've been to two restaurants, but mid afternoon with hardly anyone else around.

Ironically - the MOST crowded place we've both been to recently was the local clinic for our vaccination shots a week ago!!! And no - please don't start with the whole anti-vax thing all over my blog....I'm happy to support what health experts tell me to do, happy I got vaccinated. So don't even dare to start with that anti-vax nonsense here.

Anyway. There we are. 


  1. I hope that you are both OK. I know that COVID can be unpredictable. So glad that you were both vaccinated. Sincerely, Nancy

  2. Hope you both are recovering quickly. COVID is nothing to "sneeze" at! Take care of each other.
    Sending good thoughts your way.

  3. I really hope dear son feels better soon and that you yourself also manage through this time. I think it's a relief you got vaccinated as you just never know what the outcome would be if you didn't. I really hope Okaasan is out of the woods with covid too.

  4. So sorry to hear about you having COVID. Hope you both are feeling better soon, Take care.
