Sunday 23 June 2024

In the mood?

 Playlist for bedside visits...

In the mood by Glenn Miller...Dionne Warwick...Herb Alpert...kind of unusual sounds for a Japanese hospital room!

But, finally we can get in to see Okaasan and sit bedside playing her music from our smartphones. We THINK she likes it, there is head movement/shaking and not too many grimaces and tooth grinding. The occasional open eye and look.

It may be pleasure. It doesn't look like distaste or anger.

But, hard to know.

We went last week and again this week. Stayed about 20-25 mins. The dopamine drips in, the sounds waft around...and so another visit goes. Occasionally she opens her eyes and appears to look at us - and know who we are? Maybe.

But Summer of 2024 we are doing these regular visits.

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